Random Stuff 1
So, in my spare time between classes and between study sessions, I read a few articles. These are just a few things that I found interesting.Google Car:
First, I found an article on CNN.com that was about a new Prius that drives itself. Now, this is some futuristic shit that could make life so much easier. With automated cars, crash rates would go down significantly, people wouldn't need to learn how to drive, and your car would basically be a mobile room.
The article is about how California just made the use of automated cars legal, but it has a short video of a test car. Obviously, the car being a Prius doesn't necessarily make me want to jump out and get one immediately, but the concept is awesome. According to the article, people won't need driver's licenses by 2040. A combination of this technology with eco-friendly electric cars could minimize time wasted driving and air pollution. I have posted a link to the article below!
New MySpace??:
So yesterday, my housemate yelled across the house that we should all invest in MySpace. I thought to myself, that would be a great idea if I wanted to lose all of the little bit of money I have. But, I decided to go check out the remnants of what was one of the biggest social networks.
They have completely changed everything and are hoping to launch the 'New MySpace' fairly soon. It's going to work the same way that Google+ did, so people will be added to the site on an invite only basis at first. However, it looks like it could be big. Granted, Facebook and Twitter have a pretty good hold on the social networking/media world.
Will the new design be enough to bring some life back into MySpace? If so, how will it change FB usage, if at all? There are tons of questions to be asked and answered since social media has become one of the focal points in modern life. Anyways, check out the promo video:
Apple is such an electronic device powerhouse that you expect everything they produce to be near perfect. The release of the iPhone5 has had people buzzing for months and now that it's here, people have begun critiquing it on every aspect.
I found an article today that claims there are a lot of complaints about the iPhone5 which is expected since it is a brand new product. However, some of the complaints in this article made me laugh a bit. Some peoples' stupidity as well as their technological values amaze me.
A woman complained about how her iPhone5 was scratched after allowing her two year old to scrape it with her keys. Wow, what a surprise! Another funny complaint, which has supposedly been a common one, is that the iPhone5 is too light. I understand that an extremely light product might hint at cheap design, but this is Apple. I was under the impression that people like smaller and lighter phones as compared to the original bricks. Maybe I was wrong.
FIFA 13:
Another year has passed and another FIFA has been released. Since I rely on my college budget, I wasn't able to update and get FIFA 12. I'm hoping to get '13 by winter break time though. As you would expect with a new version, things have changed slightly. Gameplay and graphics are better and there are some new features to the gameplay modes.
Personally, one of my favorite things to do in FIFA is transfers in career mode. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that '13 allows you to now provide player trades with money which is awesome. This will definitely save some time and hopefully make landing big stars somewhat easier.
Obviously, this isn't important news, but FIFA is one of those games that just about everyone plays. I've found that it has become a huge social connector because even people who don't follow soccer or play, love to play FIFA. If you get a copy and read this, let me know what you think! Personal reviews play a huge role in my decisions to invest in various products.
Google Car: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/09/25/tech/innovation/self-driving-car-california/index.html
iPhone5: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/09/26/tech/mobile/iphone-5-complaints/index.html?hpt=hp_c2
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