Saturday, September 29, 2012

My Music Production: Update 1

My Music Production: Update 1

If you don't know me very well, you probably wouldn't know that I enjoy creating music as much as I like to listen to it. Although math and physics are very interesting, they're not passions of mine. I'm a fan of the art of design, and I prefer to use creativity in my work when possible. This is why I was very interested in pursuing a degree in architecture. Things didn't work out as I had planned, and I've found myself entrapped in a civil/environmental engineering program. I hope to one day be involved in architecture projects, but for now, music production is my way to express my creativity.

I started using Garageband on my dad's Mac a few years ago. I began to learn the elements of songs, and I started messing around to see what I could make. Recently, I've begun to study and become more dedicated to learning how to use music production software so as to improve my skills.

I've discovered that there are a lot of different programs out there, and a lot of them are much better than Garageband. One of my friends told me about Reason which is a great program, but it is a little out of my current price range. So, I have turned to FL Studio which is another great program and it is more affordable. I'm still figuring things out, and it's taking awhile to learn the facets of the program amidst my consistent load of schoolwork. But, I think I'm progressing and hopefully, I'll have some full songs made soon.

Here is a link to my SoundCloud page!

My most recent project is an attempted remake of 'City of Dreams' by Dirty South & Alesso. It's a great song that was released at the beginning of September. Here is the original (Skip to 1:00 for the part I tried remaking):

I know it's not even close yet, but here is my version:

Check out my other YouTube videos or my Soundcloud for my other music! There should be another 'On Repeat' post next Tuesday, so come back for that!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Random Stuff 1

Random Stuff 1

So, in my spare time between classes and between study sessions, I read a few articles. These are just a few things that I found interesting.

Google Car:

First, I found an article on that was about a new Prius that drives itself. Now, this is some futuristic shit that could make life so much easier. With automated cars, crash rates would go down significantly, people wouldn't need to learn how to drive, and your car would basically be a mobile room. 

The article is about how California just made the use of automated cars legal, but it has a short video of a test car. Obviously, the car being a Prius doesn't necessarily make me want to jump out and get one immediately, but the concept is awesome. According to the article, people won't need driver's licenses by 2040. A combination of this technology with eco-friendly electric cars could minimize time wasted driving and air pollution. I have posted a link to the article below!

New MySpace??:

So yesterday, my housemate yelled across the house that we should all invest in MySpace. I thought to myself, that would be a great idea if I wanted to lose all of the little bit of money I have. But, I decided to go check out the remnants of what was one of the biggest social networks.

They have completely changed everything and are hoping to launch the 'New MySpace' fairly soon. It's going to work the same way that Google+ did, so people will be added to the site on an invite only basis at first. However, it looks like it could be big. Granted, Facebook and Twitter have a pretty good hold on the social networking/media world.

Will the new design be enough to bring some life back into MySpace? If so, how will it change FB usage, if at all? There are tons of questions to be asked and answered since social media has become one of the focal points in modern life. Anyways, check out the promo video:


Apple is such an electronic device powerhouse that you expect everything they produce to be near perfect. The release of the iPhone5 has had people buzzing for months and now that it's here, people have begun critiquing it on every aspect. 

I found an article today that claims there are a lot of complaints about the iPhone5 which is expected since it is a brand new product. However, some of the complaints in this article made me laugh a bit. Some peoples' stupidity as well as their technological values amaze me. 

A woman complained about how her iPhone5 was scratched after allowing her two year old to scrape it with her keys. Wow, what a surprise! Another funny complaint, which has supposedly been a common one, is that the iPhone5 is too light. I understand that an extremely light product might hint at cheap design, but this is Apple. I was under the impression that people like smaller and lighter phones as compared to the original bricks. Maybe I was wrong.

FIFA 13:

Another year has passed and another FIFA has been released. Since I rely on my college budget, I wasn't able to update and get FIFA 12. I'm hoping to get '13 by winter break time though. As you would expect with a new version, things have changed slightly. Gameplay and graphics are better and there are some new features to the gameplay modes.

Personally, one of my favorite things to do in FIFA is transfers in career mode. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that '13 allows you to now provide player trades with money which is awesome. This will definitely save some time and hopefully make landing big stars somewhat easier.

Obviously, this isn't important news, but FIFA is one of those games that just about everyone plays. I've found that it has become a huge social connector because even people who don't follow soccer or play, love to play FIFA. If you get a copy and read this, let me know what you think! Personal reviews play a huge role in my decisions to invest in various products.

Google Car:


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

MUSIC SERIES: On Repeat Week 1

On Repeat Week 1

So, I wanted to try and start a little series of posts that give you a little taste of what my music preferences are like. Since this is the first, I'll tell you a little about what I enjoy.

As a college student, I have to keep up to date on the latest music so I don't look like the idiot who doesn't know the lyrics to the new top-10 list songs. However, as a busy student, I'm sometimes a little behind.

I enjoy just about any genre of music. At this point, my favorites are indie/alternative, country, and banger (house/electro shit that totally blows your mind and speakers). 

Now, I'm no music expert, so if I confuse genres don't throw a fit. But, I want to leave you with a few of the newest additions to my iPod that have made me murder the replay button. Today, I have five that I can't stop listening to.

 I have recently come to really enjoy country music. Some scientists say listening to it can lead to depression, but so can writing technical reports about concrete. I have become addicted to the song 'Beers Ago' by Toby Keith. My housemate played this song for me a few days ago and I've been studying to it for hours. I think it's about good times drinking (not really sure), but most country songs are about broken relationships, cheap beer, or lawn mowers. Anyways, have a listen:

Next up, we have 'Anything Could Happen' by Ellie Goulding. Now, you've probably heard her song 'Lights' on the radio way too many times. Granted, it's a great song - the radio just overplays good music. Her voice is very unique. It has a subtle strength that really makes you feel her music. The video for this song, however, is very interesting. Here:

This next song is one of those songs that you wish was longer because you love the chorus, but you know it would get annoying if that were the case. The song is 'All Night Longer' by Sammy Adams. The age of the white teenager is upon us. Similar to Mac Miller, Adams is a young rapper focused on making college party music. Easy as that is, you can't help but nod your head to this song's chorus:

It's a sad time when an artist leaves the industry. This guy is going out with a bang. Popular hip/hop artist Lupe Fiasco announced that he will retire from producing music for commercial purposes after his upcoming album "Skulls". His album "Food and Liquor II" just dropped last Friday. 'Battle Scars' Ft. Guy Sebastian has another very catchy chorus. Personally, I think Lupe comes up with some of the most interestingly controversial lyrics, but his music is excellent:

Finally, I have a house-banger for you. It's not as heavy as I usually like, but it's good nonetheless. I think I got this one from yesterday while I was getting my weekly music fill. It's called 'Tornado' by Tiesto & Steve Aoki. This version is actually a remix made by Kill the Noise Ft. Polina. The vocal melody is very catchy and the drop makes you move your arm in a upward/downward fashion:

Well, hopefully you enjoyed one of the songs above. Comment on this blog post and let me know what you think. I'm hoping to do this sort of thing weekly, but it'll depend on how much engineering work I have. Make sure you come back if you like excellent music but are too lazy to find it yourself. Thanks!

College Tip 10: Studying

College Tip 10: Studying

So classes have started to pick up and you’re getting closer to that first week of exams. School is a ton of fun, right? There are lot of things I could tell you to help you prepare for exams, but I think I’ll just give you guys a couple of main points. If you’ve watched my earlier videos, you might remember me talking about that extra cushion of time to just study for exams. Well, hopefully you have stayed on top of your work and gotten it done a little early.

I’m just going to go straight into it – you should check your calendar and figure out when you have breaks. Breaks are a great way to get work done and study for exams if you have breaks before exams. This is time that you should utilize. Catching up on sleep is always very important because exam weeks really put a lot of stress on you. I know it’s a cliché thing, but sleep really does help when it comes to doing well in class and on tests.

My personal experience with exams has been pretty good so far, but as far as perfecting my time usage, it’s definitely a work in progress. Freshman year, I pretty much procrastinated until the two days before exams which left me really overwhelmed. I was rushed to get my homework done and studying for exams was more like a cram session designed by morons. Sophomore year, I started getting a little better and getting my work done early, but I ended up procrastinating again until about 4 days before my exams to start studying. With the courses I was taking, it wasn’t really realistic to study enough in that amount of time and get really good grades on my exams. Now, this probably doesn’t make you think it’s a good idea to listen to me, but I promise I’ve done decently well (Bs) on most of my exams even with these poor study habits. This year, I’m obviously trying to shoot for some As to boost my GPA, so I’m going to try these new tips with you guys and hopefully it pays off.

So, to start studying, I typically review notes or if you are given a study guide definitely go over that first. The more study materials your professors give you, the better. Since they are usually the ones that write the exams, if they hand you a study guide, it’s like they’re handing you a key to their minds. Make sure you know the things they want you to know. Next, it’s very likely that you know what you do and don’t know. If you don’t definitely do review problems or look over notes to pinpoint these topics. It’s really up to you to determine what works best for you but I like to start with the stuff that I don’t know. If you’re taking a math, physics, or some other subject that gifts you with partial credit, I recommend studying and doing practice problems for the stuff you don’t know until you get to the point where you either know 75% of it or you really just can’t learn it. I’m going to hope it’s the first one for you guys, but if you really don’t understand something ask your professor or graduate student instructor. If they can’t help you, then don’t worry because there’s still hope! You’ve probably used about 2/3 of your study time by now. This is when you go back and make sure you can ace the topics that you do know, or think you know. Really put your effort into doing this because getting this stuff 100% right after fucking up on the stuff you don’t know will give you a lot of confidence and relax you before your exams.

You can choose to quick cram just before your tests, but I recommend giving yourself about 30 minutes to an hour of just relaxing before your exams. I’ve found that some keys to test taking success don’t even deal with the material you’ve learned. A good night of sleep does more wonders than pushing yourself until 4AM to study because at 3-4AM you probably aren’t learning anything anyways. Always try to eat something before an exam as well because you’re mind works better with some food energy and it’s just nice to eat because it helps to calm any nerves you may still have. The more relaxed you go into an exam, the better because if you’re relaxed, you’ll be confident, and if you’re confident, you will think much more clearly than if you’re stressed and your mind is all over the place.
I know a lot of these tips may seem like common sense, but when you get into the middle of a busy schedule, you might not be thinking of the obvious. I hope you can do well on your exams! Good luck!

College Tip 9: Clothes

College Tip 9: Clothes

College is a whole new world with new standards. People are coming from all around the world, so it is a blend of cultures. College is also a chance to start fresh, if you want to and know how to take advantage of it. Style is and has been a huge part of social life. The way you dress and present yourself give people impressions and they will judge you regardless of what you want to believe. You have to choose how you want people to view you. I’m not saying you have to change, but I’m going to tell you about some of the little things style-wise that will make you appear to be more college-like.

Like I said before, you’re stepping into adulthood. The standard of living becomes ‘higher’ in a sense, which means things like clothing will cost you more. If you know a little about anthropology or psychology, you may have figured out that the way you dress can have a huge role in determining your success. From a business standpoint, if you just look at the way people dress at an office building you can pick out the important people – i.e. the bosses. You don’t want to be the guy in the office wearing jeans and a wife-beater because ten minutes after you clock in your boss wearing the really expensive suit will be firing your ass.

Obviously, college isn’t the business world and nobody will be dropping you from classes because of what you’re wearing, but you want to fit in. Over the course of the last year I’ve noticed a lot of trending clothing. I’m going to start with men’s clothing because I know it better. First, snapbacks are back in. If you don’t have the flow of a god and want a way to spice up your buzzcut, get a snapback. They really just look cool and it’s a way for us to think we’re bringing some retro style shit back into this generation. Sunglasses are always important whether you wear them on sunny days or at your first rave. Oakley and Rayban are the biggest brands on the market, but if you’re broke the cheap knock-offs will give you the look and no one is going to call you out. For the summer and spring, tees, tanks, and cut-offs will do you justice every day. Solid color tees from brand names like Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Vineyard Vines, Brooks Brothers, and even Southern Tide are in. High-cut V’s are acceptable too. Shorts wise, colored shorts are in. I’ve seen anywhere from green to orange to light blue and back to salmon. Flip flops are always good for the feet, but Sperry’s are the most common shoe you’ll seen on a college campus. For the winter time, just about everyone has a Northface fleece. Jeans and khakis will get you by just fine. There really aren’t any other options anyways. Timbs are the go-to boot if you’re going for comfort and style. They go well with about anything and you just feel good wearing them.

I really can’t say for sure what girls think is stylish, so I’m just going off of what I’ve noticed – or think I’ve noticed. For girls, neon-colored anything during the summer is pretty much what you can expect. Girls that can pull off hats should wear them. Sunglasses are the same. Wear tanks, short dresses and skirts or colored shorts. It’s what college girls expect you to wear and what college guys want you to wear. Summer and spring are some of the best times for girls to show off what they have. Girls will probably be wearing Sperry’s or whatever cute sandals or flip flops they just bought a half hour ago. Come wintertime, most girls will be wearing Northfaces and Uggs. Uggs are confusing for men because girls feel the need to wear them every day from the time the temperature drops to below 60 until it’s back up to 75. If it’s not snowy outside, you look weird in them. Sorry. Fashion scarfs are in for girls that know how to pull them off. Of course, jeans and sweats are acceptable for every girl at any point of the year, but yoga pants are a God-send. I’ve heard from pretty reliable sources that they are very comfortable which is a huge plus and honestly guys love girls in yoga pants. I’m not going to go into a huge discussion on sexual attraction now, but boobs and asses are what a guy will notice first. Yoga pants basically accentuate this attraction to a new level.

Well, I hope you have an idea of how to stock up your closet before you go broke! Good luck!

College Tip 8: Money

College Tip 8: Money

You’re finally on your own for the first time in your life. One of the first steps into adulthood is becoming financially responsible for you. Your parents probably do everything they can to help you out as much as possible because that’s what they’re there for, but this is your turn to take some of the burden off their shoulders. Everyone knows college isn’t cheap. Between tuition, room and board, books, and other expenses, your wallet is guaranteed to be hurting. Hopefully I can give you some helpful tips to cut your spending just enough to get you through your first year comfortably.

In all honesty, there’s not too much you can do about tuition costs unless you have scholarships. So, let’s start with room and board because this is probably your biggest expense category. From my experience, just about everyone is required to live in the dorms freshman year so you can’t escape the overpriced, extremely small rooms. However, you typically have to pay for a meal plan. I suggest you start out with a smaller plan and see how it works for a couple weeks. Most schools allow you some time to adjust to your schedule and give you time to switch in case you need a different plan. You need to eat to do well in class – it’s scientifically proven, so this is more about strategic eating which may or may not end up being cost effective.

Now, the food you eat outside of regular meals will probably end up being snacks that will cost you out of your pocket. I definitely recommend ‘stealing’ fruits and liquids like juice, pop, or milk from the dining halls. These are things that you don’t want to buy at a grocery store if you have access to ‘free’ supplies. They go bad quickly and they will run up your grocery bills. I would buy large quantities of snack foods that are so coated with preservatives that will probably never go bad. These can get you by for a decently long time and typically don’t cost too much.

Books and/or alcohol will be your second biggest expense. Let’s start with books. Typically, books cost anywhere from $300-$600 per semester. You can either buy or rent your books in most cases. For freshman classes, which are usually gen-eds that almost everyone has to take, I recommend buying used books and reselling them. You know that somebody will buy them from you, and you get the best price buying them used. For your major-specific classes, it’s important to figure out how feasible it will be to resell books at the end of the semester. If you think you can sell them, it’s definitely worth it to buy, but if you can’t sell, I recommend renting. Most of my civil classes are smaller and it’s hard to resell, so I’ve rented all my books for the past couple semesters.

Alcohol, gas (if you have a vehicle), and random shit you buy when you’re drunk are going to cost you a decent amount down the road as well. There’s not too much you can do about gas prices, but I recommend only driving when really necessary. Shit you buy when you’re drunk are typically just that – shit. Just be smart and don’t waste money when you shouldn’t. I’m not promoting this, but things you happen to ‘borrow’ from people usually are higher quality and give you better stories in the morning. Alcohol is expensive. You have to remember that this is college and when you drink, you’re trying to get drunk. Nothing is fancy about this process at all, so it’s completely unnecessary to spend a lot to get good quality liquor or beer. Stick with $7-$10 handles of vodka and mix or chase to get good pregame buzzes, and buy the typical cheap college beers to get you to your limits for later – I’m talking Natty, Keystone, Busch, Coors, etc. – in college even Bud Light can be a delicacy when you’re being budget friendly. Nobody is going to care what piss-water beer you’re drinking after your fourth round of waterfall. Alls anyone will remember will maybe be who they were with and whether or not they had a good time, which typically doesn’t really depend on what drinks there were.

I hope you can save a little here and there, but have fun and remember that these are supposed to be the best four years of your life so don’t worry about pushing the budget a little because it’s probably worth it!

College Tip 7: Greek Life

College Tip 7: Greek Life

If you’ve ever seen a movie that is set in college, you’ve most likely gotten a glimpse at what Greek life is supposedly about. Basically, in any movie, Greek life will be depicted as a bunch of actor and actress-quality-looking people that party way too much, don’t have class, and never have worry about the consequences. Well the first part is definitely not true, but as for the rest I can’t really deny. But, there is so much more to Greek life than partying and social networking.

If you don’t know how the Greek system works, there’s a process at the beginning of every year that is called rush. This period allows freshmen to get a feel for which fraternities or sororities are most suitable for them. However, rush is completely different for guys and girls. Girls have to go to every house in groups, socialize, and both parties (rush and sorority) determine if there is a match in compatibility. Guys rush consists of going to any houses you want, eating free food, and chilling for a couple hours. It’s much more relaxed and not really stressful at all. At the end of rush, ‘bids’ are given out from fraternities and sororities to the rushes that they think are the best candidates for pledging. Rushes typically have about a day to accept or decline bids. Once a bid is accepted, the pledging process begins. This is typically a semester long process (can be shorter) in which the pledges learn about the frat and sorority they joined and fulfill requirements set by their chapters to prove their commitment. At the end of pledging comes initiation in which pledges become brothers or sisters and become members of their frat or sorority.

This whole process may seem overwhelming, but if you know you want to be a part of Greek life beforehand it definitely helps in figuring out where and when to be at events. Now, not everyone knows they want to join Greek life at the beginning of college. Most girls have a clue whether they want to be in a sorority or not, but for guys it can take a semester or two to figure out if it’s right. However, it becomes increasingly difficult to get into frats as you wait longer. So, my first tip is if you are even somewhat interested in Greek life, rush your freshman year and you can always choose to not accept a bid. I definitely recommend rushing in the fall though because it is usually more fun if you rush during college football season – just something I’ve heard and noticed.

If you already knew a lot about Greek life you’ve probably heard that pledging can be horrible which is true. Hazing is an issue that is outlawed by just about every school, but in some way or another, every pledge gets ‘hazed’. There is no way to stop it completely, but some frats and sororities take hazing way too far. It’s impossible to say which frats and sororities haze the worst because chapters are very different from campus to campus. I would recommend asking around if you’re worried about what a pledging process entails for specific chapters.

Partying and socializing are the two main reasons people join Greek life. You will do more of both if you join Greek life. But, if you are an organized person it really shouldn’t affect your schoolwork. One of the points I want to make is that being in a frat or sorority can actually help you with work because you can network with a lot of older students that you wouldn’t normally meet who have taken the same classes you have to take, have had the same professors, and know how to succeed in those classes. Your brothers and sisters are great resources when it comes to schoolwork and most chapters have academic standards that really force you to put school before socializing.

I don’t have enough time to get all the perks of Greek life into one post, but the events outside of partying are awesome as well. Every school that has Greek life has something like a Greek Week which is a week for all participants in Greek life to come together and ‘compete’ in games and sports. There are also Greek fundraising events that prove that Greek life participants give back to the community as well.
Well, definitely consider rushing and let me know what chapters you end up in! Good luck!